Services - Consultancy

RGC's practical knowledge of recycling facilities and corporate compliance enables us to provide clear, reliable information to municipalities, environmental authorities, businesses, and producer compliance schemes on a range of consultancy subjects, including:

  • Transfrontier Notification applications and assistance
  • Management system guidance and template records and internal audits to ensure compliance (pre-certification) to international standards including for ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, EN 50625 and EN 50614.
  • Business-to-business WEEE collection, take-back and recycling solutions
  • Supplier audits - providing legitimate haulage and treatment routes, checking compliance of destination facilities, data protection, verification of destruction method, cost analysis and waste disposal and management of reporting and evidence requirements;
  • Supply chain checks - to verify the routes of all incoming and outgoing materials / ingredients and fractions for any kind of manufacturing or service-led organisation.